TombRaider Demo Information INSTALLATION If you don't want sound, just run 'tomb' on the CD. If you do want sound, type 'install x:' to install the game to drive x: and then run 'setup' in the 'x:\tombraid' directory. Run 'tomb' in this directory to start the game (you'll still need the CD though). CONTROLS Movement -------- Running: The cursor keys control Lara's basic directional movement. Walking: Hold down SHIFT whilst using direction keys. Jumping: Press ALT plus a direction key to jump that way. Grabbing: Press forward and CTRL to climb up onto things, or to grab whilst in mid-air. Sidestep: DELETE and PGDN. Roll: END or cursor forward and backward held together. Combat ------ Draw guns: Press SPACE to draw/holster weapons. Fire guns: CTRL when weapons drawn fires the guns. Holding down CTRL maintains the lock on a target and keeps firing at it until you release it. Actions ------- Picking things up: Stand Lara over them and press CTRL and Lara will bend down and pick the thing up. Using keys: Stand against the lock and press CTRL and the inventory will pop-up. Choose the key and hit ENTER to use it. Using switches: Stand against the switch and press CTRL. Looking around: Hold down keypad 0 and use the direction keys to look around. Only works while Lara is stationary. Options ------- Inventory: ESC enters the inventory. Up leads to the puzzle item ring (keys and suchlike, if you have picked any up), down to the Passport. In the demo, selecting the passport allows you to restart the level or quit. Screen mode: Press 0 to toggle screen mode between 320x200 and 640x480. Press +/- to increase/decrease size of game window. IT'S AN EARLY PC VERSION This isn't the final version of the game, although the actual levels and gameplay are pretty much finalised (they were completed for the Saturn version). The bits that are missing/unfinished are pure PC things, particularly: Graphics: the 3D engine hasn't been optimised yet, so excuse the texture cracking and frame rate. Music: the in-game music has not been put in yet.